. Հայաստանի Հանրապետության տարածքը բաժանվում է տասը մարզի: Հայաստանի Հանրապետության մարզերը և նրանց վարչական կենտրոններն են`

Մարզը մարզկենտրոնը

Արագածոտն — Աշտարակ

Արարատ -Արտաշատ

Արմավիր -Արմավիր

Գեղարքունիք- Գավառ

Լոռի -Վանաձոր

Կոտայք- Հրազդան

Շիրակ- Գյումրի

1. What is Mr. Johnson doing?
Mr. Johnson is read a book.
2. Is Mrs. Johnson watching TV?
No Mrs. Johnsonis not watching TV. She is talking on the phone.
3. Where are the children sitting?
The children are sitting on the floor.
4. What are the children doing?
The children are watching TV.
5. Is their grandmother reading or watching TV?
Yes their Grandmother watching TV.

1. The children are playing/play in the yard now.
The children are playing in the yard now.
2. My sister is watering/waters the fl owers every day.
My sister is waters the fl owers every day.
3. Father is reading/reads newspapers in the evenings.
. Father is reads newspapers in the evenings.
4. Della is writing/writes the exercises now.
Della is writing the exercises now.
5. They always are swimming/swim in the lake in summer.
They always are swim in the lake in summer.
6 Bob is at home now. He is doing/does his lessons.
. Bob is at home now. He is doing his lessons.